About us
The pharmacist behind Chrimag health care ltd.:
Zorica Nikolic Perikleous, B.D. (University of belgrade)
Our responsible pharmacist in charge of Pharmacy Chrimag is Zorica Nikolic Perikleous - and this what she tells of herself and her longstanding dedication to being a pharmacist:
In late 1989, just after having taken my Bachelor degree at the pharmaceutical faculty of Belgrade University, I seized the opportunity to practice my profession in one of the biggest pharmacies in Belgrade at that time, called SAINT SAVA Pharmacy, for one year. Thanks to my mentor there, Mrs Mira Tupavdzic, a specialist in pharmaceutical technology, being a pharmacist became a true passion and I gained tremendous, invaluable practical experience of the profession to which as a student I had dedicated the previous 4 years of studying. After this rewarding year of practice in the pharmacy, I was able to excel in the following compulsory government exams as well.
Getting married to my Cypriot husband in 1990, my career as a pharmacist continued in Cyprus. To be able to work as a pharmacist here, I had to pass the exams regarding the Pharmacy & Poison Law in Cyprus and after that, in the year 1991, I started working as an employee at Mr Loizoy’s pharmacy in Protaras.
The knowledge of several languages helped me dealing with pharmacy customers of different nationalities in their request for pharmacy health services. Over the years, I have improved my level of Greek to proficiency, and, having already been fluent in English, further languages I speak at a moderate level are French, German and Spanish.
My mother tongue is Serbo-Croatian (which I have spoken from early childhood) which enables me to communicate in all colloquially spoken languages of the former Yugoslavian territories as well as in Slavic languages in general.
In July 1994, my husband and I decided to set up our own pharmacy and from then until 2002, I ran a pharmacy in Fig Tree Bay in Protaras, Ammohostos. Selling the pharmacy in May 2002 was not an easy decision. But at that time, I had already become a mother of two wonderful daughters and the Pharmacy had developed into something like a part of the family. But moving to Larnaca for the best of my family required to make that sacrifice.
The following period of six years from 2002 until 2008 was an experimental time - from distributing baby-care line Poupina (baby cosmetics imports) to taking an active part as an educator and science counsellor at the Chihtsai Hair Care Academy in Larnaca. where my task was to generate an awareness and teach the responsible use of all chemical products in modern hair care.
In March 2008, when my colleague Mrs Tsaggarides decided to sell her existing pharmacy in Larnaca, which her father - the late Mr Tsaggarides who had also been a pharmacist - had been operating for 25 years, we set up our own company CHRIMAG HEALTH LTD and purchased the pharmacy from Mrs Tsaggarides. From that time on, I became connected again with my beloved profession: Once a pharmacist - always a pharmacist!
As in most professions, but in pharmacy especially, we have to constantly keep educating ourselves, broadening our knowledge and deepening our obtained education in order to keep up to date with all pharmaceutical innovations and be readily prepared for the daily challenges of a pharmacist’s practice.
As the person behind Pharmacy Chrimag, I have dedicated my professional life to your health. Therefore, I am thankful to all our clients for putting their trust into our pharmacy.
pharmacy Chrimag
🇬🇧 history & Mission
Our pharmacy was founded in Larnaca in March 2008, conducted as a transfer of the CYPYUG PHARMACY, which had been operating in the Protaras area for a decade before relocating to Larnaca.
The name change follows the change of the premises from the beautiful Protaras beach side to the historical town of Zenon. Today, the premises of Chrimag pharmacy date back to 25 years of pharmacy practice by our late colleague Mr Tsangarides, who in the early stages opened the pharmacy shop in 24 Griva Digeni Street, our current address.
Recalling the year 2004, operating a pharmacy had already become a rather difficult task concerning the huge increase in POM ( PRESCRIPTION-ONLY MEDICINES) as well as OTC (OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICINES) in previous years plus the growing demand in VITAMINES, FOOD SUPPLEMENTS, not to mention all different branches of cosmetology, dental health care, lifestyle products - to mention only a few - which have become part of our day-to-day practice.
As a pharmacy, however, we MUST be ready to provide for the increasing demand in healthcare products - every day, at any time, no matter how voluminous stocks already are inside the limited premises of health stores.
Fortunately, conducted by the idea of how to make medicine dispensing more effective and less demanding, some of the bigger pharmacies in Larnaca came to the conclusion of founding MEFAL shareholding, a pharmacy storehouse which today has indeed all rights to be proud of its members and achievements in the city of Larnaca and the wider region. After approaching MEFAL Ltd to join the family of its members, Pharmacy Chrimag received the green light and became one of the MEFAL shareholders in June 2008. The main objective of an organisation such as MEFAL Ltd is to provide the public with up-to-date healthcare products and a customer-oriented service which has become an essential part of modern urban living.
After the introduction of the national health system in 2019, our pharmacy entered GESY, the National Health System provider in Cyprus, with the slogan “Healthcare for all!, Cyprus has finally obtained a modern and promising domestic healthcare system.
Afroditi Kartelia, b.d.
(University of athens)
Educational Background
Afroditi Kartelia began her academic journey in pharmacy at the University of Lausanne. She then transferred to the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where she graduated with her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 1987.
Professional Experience
With 36 years of dedicated experience in the field of pharmacy, Afroditi has established herself as a respected professional. She started her career working in her father's pharmacy in Athens, where she honed her skills and developed a deep passion for patient care and community service.
In 1996, Afroditi broadened her professional experience by working in London. During her time in London, from 1996 to 1998, she gained valuable international experience and further enhanced her expertise in various areas of pharmacy practice, including medication counseling and patient education.
In 2017, Afroditi made another significant move, returning to Cyprus. Here, she has continued her dedication to pharmacy practice, further solidifying her reputation as a trusted healthcare provider.
🇬🇷 Ιστορία & Αποστολή
Καλώς ήρθατε στο φαρμακείο Pharmacy Chrimag.
Το φαρμακείο μας ιδρύθηκε το Μάρτιο του 2008, συνεχίζοντας τη δράση του φαρμακείου Cypyug, που προϋπήρχε στον Πρωταρά για μία δεκαετία.
Η αλλαγή του ονόματος, ακολουθεί την αλλαγή των εγκαταστάσεων, από την όμορφη παραλία του Πρωταρά, στην ιστορική πόλη Ζήνων, στη Λάρνακα.
Οι εγκαταστάσεις του φαρμακείου μας, χρονολογούνται 25 χρόνια πριν, καθώς ο συνάδελφός μας κος. Τσαγγαρίδης, ίδρυσε το πρώτο φαρμακείο επί της οδού Γρίβα Διγενή 24, όπου βρισκόμαστε σήμερα.
Κάνοντας αναδρομή στο 2004, η λειτουργία των φαρμακείων είχε χαρακτηριστεί ως ένα αρκετά δύσκολο έργο, καθώς υπήρχαν συνεχείς αυξήσεις ποσοτήτων και ποικιλιών φαρμάκων, βιταμινών και καλλυντικών που μας φροντίζουν καθημερινά.
Παρ’όλα αυτά, οφείλουμε να έχουμε ικανοποιητικό απόθεμα, όσο φορτικό και αν είναι, ώστε να καθιστά την εξυπηρέτησή σας, εύκολη και γρήγορη.
Ευτυχώς, μερικά μεγαλύτερα φαρμακεία, έχοντας αυτό ως πρωταρχικό ρόλο, ίδρυσαν τη μετοχική αποθήκη φαρμάκων MEFAL , χάρη στην οποία η διανομή και η εξυπηρέτηση έχει άριστες επιδόσεις στην πόλη της Λάρνακας, αλλά και ευρύτερα.
Ύστερα από συναντήσεις και συζητήσεις, τον Ιούνιο του 2008, το φαρμακείο μας εντάχθηκε σε αυτή την ομάδα, κατοχυρώνοντας τα προνόμια αυτής της – πολλών χρόνων πλέον- συνεργασίας.
Ερχόμενοι στο 2019, που η Κύπρος ήθελε ένα σύγχρονο, αλλά και πολλά υποσχόμενο σύστημα υγείας, δημιουργείται με μεγάλη επιτυχία το ΓΕΣΥ.
Έτσι και εμείς αγκαλιάζοντας αυτή την καινοτομία και έχοντας εμπιστοσύνη σε αυτή την προσπάθεια, είμαστε στην ομάδα αυτή και εξυπηρετούμε τις καθημερινές σας ανάγκες.
*Παρέχεται ειδοποίηση για όλα τα σημερινά βήματα υγειονομικής περίθαλψης και ζητημάτων.
Σας ευχαριστούμε για την προτίμησή σας!
Services 🇬🇧
In our pharmacy you may:
Receive your GESY-prescribed medicines
Receive your non-GESY prescriptions
Supply yourself with OTC medicines and other pharmaceutic products which do not require a doctor’s prescription
Get Nicorette stop-smoking-cigarettes programme items
Purchase Anatomic & orthopaedic accessories
Measure your blood pressure
Measure your peripheral blood glucose value
Do nasal swab covid test or triple test (covid + flu A & B)
Ear piercing
Rent or buy nebulisers & other handy respiratory equipment
Purchase skincare cosmetics
Purchase a large variety of food supplements, vitamins, herbal extracts, teas & essential oils
Get hair & nail care products
Purchase make-up & facial care products, anti-cellulite cosmetics & body-care products, hair & nail care accessories
… and many more
All purchases and services are accompanied by professional health advice, with detailed introductory notes about all of today’s health care topics as well as detailed information of how to use our medicines and products in the most healthy and effective way.
Υπηρεσίες 🇬🇷
Στο φαρμακείο μας μπορείτε:
Να λάβετε τα συνταγογραφούμενα φάρμακά σας από το ΓΕΣΥ
Να λάβετε συνταγές χειρόγραφες εκτός ΓΕΣΥ ή Μη συνταγογραφούμενα φάρμακα (ΜΗ.ΣΥ.ΦΑ)
Να βρείτε ποικιλία συμπληρωμάτων διατροφής, βιταμίνες, εκχυλίσματα βοτάνων & τσάι και αιθέρια έλαια
Να μετρήστε την αρτηριακή σας πίεση
Να μετρήστε την τιμή της περιφερικής γλυκόζης στο αίμα σας
Να διενεργήσετε τη λήψη ρινικού επιχρίσματος τεστ covid ή τριπλό τεστ (covid + flu A & B)
Να κάνετε τρύπες στα αυτιά (σκουλαρίκια)
Να προμηθευτείτε με εντομοαπωθητικό ασφαλές για όλα τα μέλη της οικογένειας
Να βρείτε nicorette για τη διακοπή του καπνίσματος
Προϊόντα περιποίησης μαλλιών και νυχιών
Προϊόντα make up & περιποίηση προσώπου
Αντικυτταριτιδικά καλλυντικά και περιποίηση σώματος
Ανατομικά & ορθοπεδικά αξεσουάρ
Να ενοικιάστε ή να αγοράστε νεφελοποιητές & άλλο αναπνευστικό εύχρηστο εξοπλισμό κλπ.
*Όλα τα παραπάνω, πάντα συνοδεύονατι από συμβουλές επαγγελματιών υγείας, με αναλυτική εισαγωγή και επεξήγηση.